🌧️ Rain or shine, we're taking our Airtrick skates for a spin in the park! Watch us glide effortlessly through the light drizzle and experience the joy of skating in the rain! ☔️💨
Don't let a little rain dampen your spirits, join us for some wet and wonderful fun on wheels!
Only a suggest if is possible update the airtrick with airless wheels suv for all terrain purpose please 🏍️https://scontent.fuio15-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.6435-9/54381520_309695496413091_6851022446904999936_n.jpg?_nc_cat=110&cb=99be929b-59f725be&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=174925&_nc_ohc=hS17oITpDx0AX-VC_WC&_nc_ht=scontent.fuio15-1.fna&oh=00_AfAn8trsUz1HpGPKVHKd4WViJrU_VrWrk5lMYfZYZ9Gs8w&oe=64F4F40A